A friend recently brought to my attention an ad from a church looking for ‘a connections guy.’ This appears to be a staff position at a church that styles itself ‘J10’ from a reference in the Gospel of John. At the end of the ad we find “Reasons to consider applying to be the NEW J10 connections guy” followed by a list, as show below. Kent will comment on each reason in bold print of this color. So here go the ‘reasons’ followed by some comments on each one.
If you think church should be fun
If you define ‘fun’ properly, no problem.
If you want a place to invite your beer drinking buddies
Wonderful, unless you are going to continue drinking with them and allowing them (and you) to pretend this doesn’t really matter.
If your vision for church looks more like a student ministry than adult ministry
I’m not sure just what this means. Make the whole church like a ‘youth group’? But shouldn’t our ‘vision’ for the church look like the ‘vision’ of the church as revealed in scripture? Shouldn’t we adjust ‘our’ visions to THAT, i.e., God’s, vision?
If you take God serious but not yourself
I’m not sure what that even means, but it sounds suspiciously like stupid ‘hipster’ talk. But if you are going to ‘take God’ it would need to be ‘seriously’ because an adverb is needed there. More on matters like this below.
If you love students but want to have more adult interaction
Sure, why not? We have segregated ‘students’ from adults for far too long in far too many venues.
If you think potty humor is ok in church (on occasion)
There is just what we need more of in churches - ‘potty humor.’ But only, of course, ‘on occasion.’ It seems like there are plenty of occasions to encounter ‘potty humor’ in the world, so it’s rather hard to know why anyone would want to import it into the church. I’m probably just not ‘hip’ enough to understand.
If you think church should be full of messed up people and you don’t mind dealing with their messes
Certainly, as long as the goal is not to wallow in such messes, but to begin, at least, to clean them up.
If you are a church planter at heart or desire to plant a church one day
No problem with this one.
If you live more on the edge of chaos than in certainty
In light of the repeated Biblical talk that we can know THE truth, and that we should and must speak the truth, this one seems on the verge of stupid. Forget ‘the verge’ – it’s just stupid.
If you read because you have to, but would always rather be outside and with people.
Let’s not read overly much. It’s such a chore – especially reading the Bible. Do that only when you ‘have to.’ Instead, just run around ‘with people.’ You will be just as big an ignorant fool as anyone, and thus you will be able to help people in all sorts of wonderful ways. You know, people like your drinking buddies.
If you want to be a part of a church that DOES NOT have the “same ole” arguments
Why worry about ‘arguments’ – same ole (whatever those are) or otherwise. Since we aren’t going to read except when absolutely necessary, there will be no informed arguments anyway. Probably just drinking buddies screaming at one another.
If you would rather the church music error on being too hard than soft
I would think anyone interested in the health of the church would want church music to err (‘error’ is a noun, not a verb, by the way – something that might slip by those who read only when necessary) on the sides of being theologically content-filled and music that is both beautiful and easily sung by a group of people. But if you think of ‘church’ as a rock concert, then go for ‘hard’ by all means.
If you are just as messed up as anyone you know and will admit it
This is very hip-sounding. But what about the matter of progressing in sanctification? Shouldn’t a church leader be a little closer to the image of Christ than just ‘anyone you know’?
If you want to be a part of a church that actually reaches people who don’t attend church
An excellent idea, as long as that does not imply re-making the church in the image of the world in the warped hope of making the church attractive to the world. A little Bible-reading might convince the people at ‘J10’ that this should be the case. But I forgot – they only read the Bible, or anything else ‘when the have to.’
Finally, perhaps we should all think about this one: is it possible to be so ‘hip’ that you start to slip out of what could in any meaningful sense be called the Christian faith?