Friday, September 4, 2009

Madam ‘Bishop’

Episcopal Head Tries to Clarify 'Salvation' Speech

Episcopal Head Tries to Clarify 'Salvation' Speech

Daniel Burke

Religion News Service
September 1, 2009

(RNS) -- Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on Thursday (Aug. 27) tried to tamp criticism she received last month after she denounced the "heresy" of individual salvation.

In a statement issued by church headquarters in New York, Jefferts Schori tried to clarify her remarks at the church's General Convention in Anaheim, Calif., saying that individualism is "basically unbiblical and un-Christian."

Kent comments:

There has been a great debate in Christendom about the proper role of women in the church. Apart from the theological side of the debate, this story gives us yet another reason why, for example, women should not be ‘bishops.’

It is because, for some unknown reason, when they are they start to look like “Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori.” She’s just a little bit, well, scary! (Who, do you think, does that to her hair?)

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