Thursday, April 7, 2011

Defund and Educrat Today!

Judge: Anti-gay shirts worn by Neuqua Valley students OK

Apr 3, 2011 12:28AM

Neuqua Valley High School students would be allowed to wear “Be Happy, Not Gay” T-shirts under a ruling Tuesday by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The court had rejected Indian Prairie School District 204’s argument that school officials could prohibit students from wearing the shirts to prevent some students from having their feelings hurt.

In its opinion, the court said a “school that permits advocacy of the rights of homosexual students cannot be allowed to stifle criticism of homosexuality.”

“The school argued (and still argues) that banning ‘Be Happy, Not Gay’ was just a matter of protecting the ‘rights’ of the students against whom derogatory comments are directed,” the court said. “But people in our society do not have a legal right to prevent criticism of their beliefs or even their way of life.”

Nate Kellum, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, a legal alliance of Christian attorneys who represented the students in the suit, responded: “In an environment that freely allows speech that promotes homosexual behavior, the school simply cannot shut out the opposing viewpoint.”

Kent comments:

You don’t have to hate or even dislike those who practice homosexuality to hate this kind of thing.  And this kind of thing has become nearly ubiquitous, especially in government school settings.

While schools are clearly not promoting free expression about this matter, they are certainly promoting one viewpoint, the ‘homosexual behavior is a good idea’ viewpoint.  As the story goes on to explain, one young lady:

wore the T-shirt [in question] to school after the school permitted other students the previous day to wear shirts showing support for homosexuals as part of the “Day of Silence.”  That event, promoted by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, intended to draw attention to harassment of homosexuals.

So the school permits an event “intended to draw attention to harassment of homosexuals” and then proceeds to officially harass a young lady with a dissenting opinion.  If the “educrats” think harassment is bad, why are they doing it?

Here is something I do not understand:  why do people continue to pay for, and put up with, the utter nonsense and malicious behavior of the government school establishment?  Well-meaning people always think they can somehow reform it, re-make, or otherwise fix it.  How much more of this kind of thing must we endue before people wake up and see the utter corruption of government-run schooling?

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