Monday, May 23, 2016

We Don’t Approve Your Disapproval

The list of things we can’t talk about continues to grow.  I am thinking here of behaviors that not so long ago were generally disapproved, but that are now being forced onto that list of things of which we must not dispprove.

First came homosexual behavior.  Next came the pretense that marriage is even possible between two people of the same sex.  Now comes the act of behaving as though you are male when you are in fact famale, or vice versa.

This is not to say that these kinds of bad behaviors are not human tragedies.  But that is not the point here.

The point here is that there is almost a mania lately for this strange and contradictory phenomenon of encouaging, and even demanding, the condemnation of those who disapprove of things that almost everyone once knew are bad behavior.  And that “once” is often not that long ago.

This approach is both insidious and a bit of genius.  Once you convince most people that it is wrong to dispprove openly of something, a very large obstacle to the promotion of that something has been removed.  What better way to do this than to convince most people that the only really bad thing is the open expression that something is a bad thing.

The latest example is the whole transgender business.  People may think what they will, of course.  But when women who wrongly believe they are men want to dress up like men, insist on being called men, and watch me take care of private business in the men’s restroom, we have a problem.

Not so long ago that problem, and others like it, had some built-into-society controls.  All those amounted to vaious ways people would openly disapprove of certain behavior.  These ranged all the way from verbal expressions of disapproval to how we associated with others.

Most of those avenues of disapproval have been successfully shut off in a massive campaign of the disapproval of disapproval.  From gradeschool classrooms to the strong arm of centralized government, disapproval has been banned.  The whole weight of society has been re-engineered to disapprove of disapproval.

That this is a blatant contradiction seems to be of little weight.  The open disapproval, especially of whatever has become the latest fad of misbehavior, must be stopped.  Disapproval, at least of those things, is something we must be convinced, or even required, to vehemently and vigorously disapprove.

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